Woodland Hills estate sale, great prices on fine furnishings, collectibles, etc..

Woodland Hills

3/25 closed
3/26 closed

Everything must sell and we are prepared to give amazing prices.
We have a sectional sofa, lounge chairs, Leather wing back recliner, traditional Mahogany Chippendale dining table and chairs set, Mahogany buffets, fabulous Mahogany ornately carved King bed with mattress, Chippendale style wardrobe, sideboard with built in fireplace, French style dressers, night stands, coffee table, Chippendale Mahogany desk, curio china cabinet and other furnishings. Many paintings, curios, collectibles, LP records, memorabilia, jewelry, curios and knick – knacks,
We also have a garage and sun room with wicker furniture, BBQ, and kitchen items for sale.

Please review the photographs. We are still staging so check back for more.